Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Post # 7

The last week has been excellent. I love it here, other than maybe the temperature. As a Vermonter, I have been brought up to think that 80 degrees Fahrenheit is sweltering hot, and 60 is just about the right climate to live in during the summer… 88 here is normal. After about two weeks here I am almost used to it, but I have realized that unfortunately it is something that I will never fully become acclimated to.

Time here is strange, as days are slow, I feel like I have been here for years, but also I feel like Mother dropped me off yesterday. Maybe that has to do with the heat, too? This week was fun. In the art class we started and finished our unit on shape and sculpture. We learned about proportions, shapes, size, distance, vanishing points, and how to apply all of this to our own work. The kids seemed bored with it at first, and stared at me with blank faces. I was worried. Maybe I was speaking in English too fast. After me asking them what was wrong about, one of the boys in 8th grade, Vignesh, informed me that half of the words I was using were ones that they had never heard of. Words like scheme, and proportion. 3-D. 2-D. I decided to steal something from my 2nd grade learning experience, and created a word wall. We now have all of the new English words that we are learning on a poster board hanging front and center in the classroom.

Their favorite class this week was inevitably the one where I introduced them to model magic. I couldn’t use clay with them, as there is no kiln, and plaster was just a messy idea. Needless to say, they loved it. I loved it. Together the class produced snowmen, cobras, cakes, little men, houses, hearts, and much more. We used all of the six huge containers, and they still asked for more. Crayola should start selling in India.

In addition to my art class each day, I teach swimming, help in the special education department, and help out in other classes. I basically offer to do whatever they need me to do. I’m here to help!


  1. Hi Kate,
    Your Mom sent Eric the link to your Blog. I've never signed up to be a Blog follower before. See the things you get me to do!

    It sounds like you are adjusting very well. I'm sure the 'LDS' experience is nothing compared to the heat. Although I bet as a Vermonter you have been asked many times if you have visited the the Smith birthplace monument.

    Hope you get some snaps of yourself in those wonderful Indian fabrics to share (even if you can not post until you get home.)

  2. Hi Kate!

    This is Cloe Shasha, a senior at Middlebury -- we've met briefly and I am working with your Mom to plan TEDxMiddlebury (and two years ago we worked together on the Old Stone Mill Board). Your blog is awesome, your experiences so far sound amazing. I spent several months in India during a gap year before college (mostly in Rajasthan), and some of my initial impressions of getting around India were very similar to yours!
    Keep blogging, it's great.
    If you ever want to ask me questions about Rajasthan if you end up traveling there, feel free. My email is:


  3. Hi Kate,
    What a great update to hear what it is like and what you have been doing. It sounds like it will be life changing for you and for them....enjoy every minute.
    Diane DaPolito

  4. It is so good to hear you are doing well. Every experience you describe brings a smile to my face. A wonderful and exotic place on God's earth, many wonderful and some very special children to work with and a wonderful girl to share her talents.

    God bless you for what you are doing.

    Bill Benac

  5. Luv da Bug!!! You have discovered "india time" - Yak, Mountain squid and I discovered "Nepali mountain time" when in the Himalaya...days flowed into weeks...seasons slid that to "new york facebook nanosecond time"...phew what a difference. Enjoy india time its hard to find.

  6. Kate _ we are at lunch at wake robin with grandma sally and grandpa Fred - they say they are thinking of you every day - it is exciting to hear what you are doing learning and giving to your kids...and at the same time you are learning about ands seeing the world in a very special and unique way that you will never forget - it will be a great value and base for what you can accomplish and give to others in your lifetime. grandpa and grandma smith would be proud of you as teachers - they were so committed to teaching and would love to know what you are doing!

  7. Hey Kate-as you now are aware, "Art is a visual language"...I remember when I discovered that if I expected my students to understand the English words that I was speaking regarding any Art technique or concept then they needed to be able to see the words too. Good is likely that you will "awakened" many visual learners & future artists at this school...I'm very proud of you! take care, judy b.

  8. Katey Bug,
    Over stuff each day and night with as many things as possible. You can sleep after you are dead. One day you will look back on your time well spent with disbelieve as to how short it was.

  9. Kate, hi

    Good for you - am really excited for you that it is proving so enriching - and I'm sure your contribution is wonderful for the children. Look forward to reading more as and when you get the chance.


