Friday, June 25, 2010

Post # 3: Thank you everyone!

I just arrived home after being at Girls State all week... And I leave with my mother early tomorrow afternoon for the airport. We are leaving from Burlington, VT, flying to New York, then to Mumbai, and then finally to Chennai. There's only one more day until I leave, but about 2 until I actually get there.

While I was at Girls State my mother contacted Dr. Prasad (one of the lovely people in charge of Pathway) and took care of last minute logistics in terms of the travel plans. Dr. Prasad has been wonderful in allowing me to come to the orphanage this summer, and for this I am very thankful. Thank you mother and thank you Dr. Prasad, as I would have not have been able to do any of this without you.

How I learned about Pathway in the first place was through one of my dad’s business partners, Mr. Benac. He told me how he had had some of his own children travel to Chennai to start some of their own projects at Pathway when they were younger; which is how I got interested in this whole idea in the first place. Throughout the whole process of interviewing and planning he has been always been there for whatever I need, whether it was taking time out of his schedule to call me, or just writing quick notes back on my emails giving me advice. I even got to talk to his daughter on the phone about her experience there (thank you Caroline). Mr. Benac was kind enough to introduce me to his wife on the phone, Mrs. Benac, who has also helped me with my trip. In fact I was just lucky enough to receive an email from her regarding the type of thing that I should wear when I am at the orphanage, which was very helpful, as I have never once worn a sahri or salwar in my entire life. Another person who has made a big impact and contribution on my project would have to be Judge Sheffield, who already does a ton of work for Pathway as it is, as the Benacs do. He too, has guided me through the whole process with his support and knowledge. Without all of the help that all of these wonderful people have given me, I do not know what I would have done. Their amazing guidance, support, and advice has meant the world to me. Thank you all so much for giving me this amazing opportunity.

I now must stop writing… There’s only about 23 hours, forty six minutes to go, and I really need to pack.


  1. I'm so excited for you Kate! Can't wait to read your blog. Love the layout of the blog - hope you have fantastic flights -I'd need a tranquilizer dart to get through all those plane flights - we just got back from London and Iceland and I'm happy to avoid airplanes for a few months.
    Finish packing and safe travels!
    Michele and the Weybridge gang (Bruce, Ian and Alexia)

  2. Haha thanks so much... And yes, the flights were a tad bit brutal, but WE ARE HERE SAFE AND SOUND so its all good. I enjoyed looking at all of your pictures from Iceland and London- all of the captions were great. Thanks so much. Tell the rest of Weybridge I say hi!

  3. Kate, I love the watercolor background for your blog. Is that one of your own originals?
